Basic Squash Tactics and Fundamentals

Tactics have the biggest bearing on the outcome of a Squash game, allowing for a basic level of fitness and skill. The following skills and attributes contribute to your Squash tactical skills:
- Decision Making Skills.
- Court craft/Court sense.
- Game Analysis.
- Racket skills.
Read about playing lefthanders
Read about the opponent
Tactical Squash Fundamentals
The 10 Squash Tactic Fundamentals
Basic Tactical Squash Plays![]() Use the slideshow below to view basic Squash tactics in these SquashGame tactical plays... More Pics...Boast when the opponent starts to hang back on the driveBoast when opponent is caught behind from poor lenght Drop when opponent boasts from deep in the court Volley firmly into the nick off loose cross court Toss high to allow recovery to the T
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