Info for Your Squashgame

Squash Equipment and Player Safety

  • Being properly equipped makes Squash a safer and more enjoyable sport.
  • Don't just pick up and use a squash racket that has been lying around for years.
  • Something as simple as a new racket grip can make all the difference.
  • Follow the recommendations below to maximise your performance and safe enjoyment of the game of Squash.

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Squash Gear

Read about squash balls and modified equipment

The Squash Racket

Don't Use a Worn grip
  • Always use a modern racket in good condition
  • Don't use an old "fly swatter". They were designed for a different type of ball so using one could cause injury(from trying to get more power in your stroke).
  •  Make sure the strings are in good condition otherwise injury could result.
  •  Always ensure the racket grip is in good condition. A slipping racket could cause severe injury. (Modern synthetic racket grips contain a high percentage of water). Non use for even a couple of months could cause the grip to dry out, becoming slippery as a result.
  • Ensure the grip is the correct size for your hand.
  • See Basic Grip and Swing
  • If the racket grip remains slippery, consider attaching a wrist tag to the racket handle.


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Don't use an old fly swatter

How to Add/Replace a Grip

Whether putting a grip over the top of the existing grip to build up the size to suit the individual's finger length, or replacing a worn grip, the same principal applies.  Here are some basic steps:-

  • 1. Pull off the old grip, including any tacky bits that have stuck to the handle of the grip.  If you leave these bits they could cause ridges which might then make a spot hard on your hand and give blisters.
  • 2. If you need to build up the grip just a small amount, wrap around some electrical insulation tape before putting on the new grip.
  • 3. Some grips already have a tapered end which will help wind the grip around the handle at the correct angle. 
  • If the grip is square on the end, get a pair of scissors and cut from one corner, taking the cut back about the same distance as around the circumference of the knob at the end of the racket, maybe about 6cm
  • You will now have a shape that will angle around the butt of the racket to give the bias to continue wrapping it around the handle.
  • If there is a slightly tapered edge on the new grip, overlap the grip as you wrap it around.
  • If there is no tapered edge still slightly overlap the grip to prevent it from parting as continual movement of your hand within the grip can cause unnecessary wear, and the grip will part..
  • If the grip is too long (as it may be a tennis grip), leave a bit of length, and taper that end also, to finish off the job. 
  • If  there is finishing off tape supplied with the grip, use that.  However, to tidy it up, wrap a bit of insulation tape around a couple of times so it does not come apart. 


Approved Protective Eyewear

Protective Eyewear
  • We strongly recommend the use of protective eyewear.
  • There are not a lot of eye injuries in Squash but when they do happen, they are often serious.
  • Always use eyewear that complies to AS4066: 1992 or USA ASTM F803, the relevant Australian or American standards.
  • There is a wide variety of eyewear which complies with these standards. You are sure to find something which is comfortable for you.

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I-Mask Eyewear gives full protection

Squash Shoes

Always purchase
  • It is always best to wear indoor court shoes which are in good condition.
  • Old shoes or those in poor condition can slip or cause musculoskeletal injuries from the lack of cushioning.
  • Running shoes are unsuitable as the sole is usually thicker than court shoes, making it far easier to roll your ankle and causing severe injury.
  • Always wear shoes with non-marking soles.

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Always purchase "squash" shoes
Indoor Court Shoes


Always wear a shirt
  • Wear clothing which is suitable for a high intensity sport like Squash.
  •  It should be relatively loose fitting and water absorbent.
  • Wear a wristband if a lot of sweat gets onto your racket hand.
  • Wear a headband or bandana to prevent sweat from running down into your eyes.

Assess Your Gear

Using the right Squash gear is important to get the most out of your game. Maintaining your equipment is an essential part of playing.

Squashgame Gold: Advanced Text and Video Content

Evaluate your equipment and gear

Your equipment and attire can improve your play:

Good Bad
My racket grip was in good condition My grip kept unralelling as I played.
The safety strap on the racket stopped me worrying about the racket flying out of my hand. I was scared the racket would hit my opponent if I kept losing it.
I wore thick socks to absorb the perspiration My nylon socks gave me a blister.
I purchased Indoor Court Shoes especially for Indoor games My joggers were so slippery I kept sliding and slipping.
My outfit was comfortable. My clothes were tight and restricted my movement.
The headband kept the moisture off my spectacles. My glasses were fogging and slipping around my nose.
My wearing two wristbands it was easier to absorb the sweat. My grip was wet and smelly, and perspiration dripping over the floor as I ran.

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