Info for Your Squashgame

Squash Accessories

Most people when starting out to play squash do not bother to much about the accessories, eg wristband, headband, shoes, eyewear and clothes, and grab any old bat they can find.  Gradually most players start to realise that  a new racket and accessories are helpful for the reasons mentioned below.

Protective Eyewear

Protective goggles

Most players would prefer not to wear protective eyewear as it feels uncomfortable and can fog up as the body heats up. Players who have had a big fright are glad to purchase eyewear, as they are thankful for the chance to protect their eyes.   There are a few types, eg spectacles or a full mask (that will also protect your teeth).

 Recommended eye guards are those that have undergone stringent testing and have been passed as suitable for squash by the National Standards Associations for Racquet Sport Eye Protection of Canada, England, Australia and the United States.

For more information on eyewear

Modified Balls & Rackets

Modified Rackets & Balls

For social games, school children  and beginners their is no hard and fast rules with respect to which racket or ball should be used.

  • In fact squashgame recommend the use of whatever equipment/gear that gives the most enjoyable game for the standard and age of the players.
  • Modified rackets and balls, as well as racket ball equipment may be more enjoyable for the beginner, until they are ready to changeover to squash equipment.
  •  Whatever the size of the ball and the length of the racket it will still develop physical skills, and hand-eye co-ordidnation an important ingredient to progress in the game..
  • The World Squash Federation has a Committee appointed to test and approve balls, rackets, clothing and accessories including jewellery, shoes and eyewear that are used and recommended in competition.




 Wristbands are particularly useful to absorb perspiration. Why wear a wristband:

    • to absorb moisture and prevent it running into the hands spoiling the grip
    • prevent racket slipping in your hand, which can be dangerous
    • mop up perspiration that runs down the face and arms.
    • to help prevent spectacles from fogging up.


The headband should be made of absorbent material like, eg towelling.

  • A headband is an essential part of the gear for those who wear spectacles, as it will help absorb perspiration from interfering with the lens.
  • Also if a person is bald, and wears spectacles or contact lenses a headband is absolutely imperative.
  • Helps keep the court from getting spots of wet on it making the court dangerous.


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Nicely summarised tip, thanks! I think I'll note that into my squash folder!

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