Info for Your Squashgame

About Squash Website Administration

Squash Website Admin helps manage all the Squash Websites you have under your name. All the Squash Websites you have under trial or paid and active  will appear on the main admin page.

This page also provides details of the Status of each website when selected.

The Yellow Status Bar

The yellow status bar tells you the following:
  1. The name of the Squash Website being managed
  2. The "published" status of the website - Published means the website will be displayed on SG.i
  3. The Paid status of the Squash Website
    • Active mean the website has been paid  for and gives  the date at which it expires
    • If still in the trial period, it gives the expiry date of the trial.

The Squash Websites Admin Menu

The Squash Websites Admin Menu allows you to create, manage and edit all aspects of your website and elements associated with it.
  1. It provides a direct link to the admin page when in other pages (instead of using the top drop down menu)
  2. Manage Personal Details allows you to edit/update your personal information including personal contact details and log in information
  3. Manage Website Details allows you to edit/update all website details including your website name and details users may use to contact you
    • Manage Website pages allows you to
    • create/edit/update page titles
    • Introductions
    • Content
    • Change page order
    • Unpublish/Publish individual pages and content
  4. Create News Article allows you to create a News article permanently associated with your website
    • You can update/edit any News or Forum post/reply you create when viewing the active item (this applies to Website  News or Members'  Forum)
  5. The menu items associated with images allow you to upload and manage images subject to our terms and conditions
  6. Preview Squash Website allows you to preview your website whether or not is is active (paid or trial) and whether or not it is published
    • It does not show pages/content where the order has been set to 0 (zero)

About Squash Website Statistics

This section not yet active, but, when active it will show:
  1. The viewing statistics of your website
  2. Info on your image uploads and use
  3. Other information pertinent to the website (e.g. number of news articles)
  4. Available use information

THe Lisiting of your Squash Websites

The Admin page will list all the websites/listings that are attached to your membership.
  1. You will be able to select any of these when in the Admin page
  2. It will clearly show which item is active
  3. This list will also appear when you log in so that you can manage your website directly from log in

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.....but RIPPA&Co. do a great job here. You should be awarded :)

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