Info for Your Squashgame

Uploading Images into allows members to upload images into the database to use with Members' Forum posts and SquashGame Squash Websites. Our upload feature also resizes images to ensure that our web pages load quickly for visitors. To ensure this process is trouble free, please note the following guidelines and directions.

Squash Images and Pictures

About the images:

  1. All images must be Squash oriented
  2. Inappropriate images will result in the immediate and permanent withdrawal of SquashGame membership (see Conditions of  IMage Uploading)
  3. You can only upload  images and pictures owned by you or where you hold copyright
  4. Pictures and images which are subject to copyright by others should not be uploaded - this may result in a permanent ban from
  5. Read the copyright sections of the conditions carefully
  6. You can upload the following formats:
    • .JPEG - .JPG
    • .PNG
    • .GIF
  7. The file extensions can be in upper or lower case
  8. Images will be resized to a  maximum  size of 300px x 300 px
  9. The maximum file size (before uploading) is .5mb (about 512 kb) (most files will be reduced to about 20kb or less after upload and resizing)
  10. Limits apply to total uploads - see below

Selecting the Right Directory

You can select to save your images in your own personal directory
  1. In this case your total uploads cannot exceed 200 kb (this may be reviewed at a later time
  2. These images can only be accessed by you the member
  3. Images can be deleted if not attached to any forum posts or websites
  4. Images which have not been in use for over three months are subject to deletion by at our  discretion
  5. Images attached to expired websites may be deleted by SquashGame at our discretion
You can select to save your images in our community directory
  1. No limit applies to uploaded files
  2. All images can be accessed by the entire community
  3. Images not used for at least three months are subject to deletion by at our discretion.
  4. Your uploading of images into the SquashGame community directory grants SquashGame and its members  unlimited use of those images on the website on an ongoing basis

How to Upload Images

  1. Select the image on your computer using the "browse" button
  2. Give the image a short but clear name (eg raystrach fh volley) - (the actual filename will changed to a  unique id)
  3. You can assign keywords to the image to assist in a future search feature - please note form of entry (eg. forehand volley, good footwork, attack)
  4. Make your directory selection by choosing what description best fits the image (personal/community)
  5. Read the attached conditions carefully and check the box before you proceed

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