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Squash Doubles

Squash Doubles can be played on a singles squash court though it would be  ideal if a doubles court was available.  The doubles court is wider than a singles court.

International Squash Doubles

Doubles Squash is an exciting, action-packed and fun-filled sport.

  •  A doubles squash court is 1.22 metres (4 feet) wider than a singles court and the same length.
  • Doubles squash can be played on a singles court but is a far better game on the correct size court. In doubles, with four players on the court, it is strongly recommended that correct eye protection is worn.
  • Many rules for doubles are essentially the same as for the International Singles game but there are some key differences - the full doubles rules are available from the World Squash Federation and its member nations.


  • Each team of two players is called a "side" and a match consists of the best of either three or five games.
  • Point-a-rally scoring to 15 points is used, i.e., points can be scored by either side.
  • When the server's side wins a stroke it scores a point and the server retains the service-, when the receiver's side wins a stroke it scores a point and the server relinquishes the service.

The Service

  • The side which serves is called "side-in" and the side which receives is called "sideout".
  • Except for the first rally of the game the partners of a side serve in succession, each retaining the service until the side loses a stroke.
  • They serve from alternate boxes, the second partner commencing service, after the loss of a stroke, from the left box if his partner had last served from the right box and vice versa.
  • When they have lost two strokes, side-in becomes side-out.
  • However, for the start of each game "Side Out" occurs after the loss of only one stroke.
  • The requirements for a good service are identical to those of singles squash.

The Play

  • After a good service has been delivered the sides return the ball alternately (either player of the striking side being permitted to hit the ball) until one side fails to make a good return, the ball otherwise ceases to be in play in accordance with the rules, or on a call by the Marker or Referee.
  • It is not a good return if the ball touches the striker's body or clothing OR any other player's racket, body or clothing.


  • As a general rule a side wins a stroke if the opponents fail to make a good return.
  • If the ball touches an opponent when the opponents are the non-strikers or on award by the Referee.
  • In addition, if the striker hits his partner with the ball then his side loses the rally.
  • All cases of hitting an opponent with the ball are let situations (if the return would have been good.

  • Appeals against a Marker's decision are essentially the same as for singles squash with one exception - there is no appeal to a call of "Fault", "Footfault", "Not up", "Down" or "Out" to the first service.
  • An appeal may be made to a Marker's call on the second service or to a Marker's failure to call on either first or second service.


  • In doubles, if the players genuinely make the effort to get out of each other's way, few strokes are awarded.
  • Partners of the side whose turn it is to play the ball are entitled to direct access to the ball, fair view and freedom to hit the ball, but not necessarily freedom to return it directly to any part of the front wall.
  • The situations for let and no let decisions by the Referee arc identical to singles squash buy stroke awards are limited to failure to make every effort to avoid interference and a winning return prevented.
  • Refraining from hitting a ball which, if hit, would have struck an opponent going directly to the front wall, is in most instances a let situation.


  • The two sides warm up separately, each side using half the five-minute period.
  • If a ball has been substituted or the match resumed after considerable delay, the resultant warm up is limited to one player from each side.
  • Warm ups which might occur between end of warm up and start of play, between games and when an opponent is changing equipment, are restricted to two players, with one player from each side having priority over two players from the same side.

 Other Rules
The rules relating to good returns, lets in general, further attempts to hit the ball, continuity of play, conduct on court, control of a match and the Marker's and Referee's duties are almost identical to those of the International Game of Singles Squash.

For further information on Squash Doubles and Hard Ball refer to the World Squash Federation.

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