Info for Your Squashgame

Fire in the belly

Well, we have heard that phrase said before, and probably some do not know what it means really. It is a common saying when referring to the performance of elite athletes meaning, fired up, lean and hungry, fiesty,determined, and a strong will, often referred to as "the mongrel" coming through.  Definitely, a champion has to be hungry enough to "chase" their goals to realise their dreams.

This not only applies to the top players, but any player who wants to go forward in the sport, or go forward in life too.

Getting on track

What do we do to get on track?
  • Set training and playing goals
  • Watch good players and try to learn from them
  • Continually evaluate your whole game, eg fitness, skills, mental, tactical.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Follow wise, talented and respected mentors.

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