Info for Your Squashgame

Squash Pair Drills


Pair Drills are quite distinct to Pair Routines.  A drill is designed to repetitively hit the same shot alternately with your partner without too much movement.  This is the time to concentrate on the racket work. Watch the ball at all times. Very good practice for concentration and reflex.

  • Players A and B take it in turns to hit.
  • If there is any movement, as in this diagram, return to the centre court before making the next stroke at the ball. (Don't just stand there!!)
  • Usually, play for 5 minutes before swapping roles.

Drop Shot Drill

Drop Shot Feeds

This drill will test your racket work, particularly the open face racket.  Control the racket head, and control the hit.

Player A stands at the front of the court, and Player B at the back.  Player B will drop shot, while Player A will drop shot and then play the ball back to Player B.

Drive Drill Feeds

Straight Drive feeds

Player A stands at the front (or stands at the T ready to cover the front court).

Player B stands at the back and feeds to the front court for Player A to drive to length.

This drill is a good ball control drill especially for the feeder.

Squashgame Gold: Advanced Text and Video Content

Drive - Front Court feeds

Player A stands at the T and watches the feed (then moves back to the T after striking the ball).

Player B stands behind the service box and feeds short balls to the front of the court.



Video Resources

Video - 2 Down 1 Across

Player A stands at the back of the service box on the forehand side..

Player B stands at the bck of the service box on the backhand side.

Both players hit the ball behind the service box to length.

Video Resources

Cross Court and Boast Drill

Cross Court Drive/Boast

Player A stands at the T (and watches Player B boast).

Player B feeds a boast from about the back of the Service Box.

Player A either cross court drives or cross court lobs while Player B boasts.

Each player moves back to the centre court position after striking the ball, watching the ball at all times.  Replay the shot if the ball is out of control.

Volley Drill

Short sharp volleys

Player A (FH) and Player B (BH) stand on the "Short line" each about a metre from the T.

Players Volley the ball to each other.  Start off slowly and increase the pace as the control of the ball improves.

Watch the ball at all times.  Move into position to each shot.

Once the drill is going smoothly take a step forward.  A very good drill for reflex and racket head control.

Volley Intercept


Squashgame Gold: Advanced Text and Video Content

Pair Drill - Volley chipping

This pair routine is best started from the "short line".

Start off gradually and then increase the pace as the volleys get more consistent.

Then step forward and continue the volleys.  Just a short sharp backswing and racket head control is vital to control the hit.

Video Resources

Toss Drill - Front Court

Toss from the front court

A toss can be such a great shot when under pressure at the front of the court. The ideal time to play this shot is when the ball is tight and low, and other shots from this position would put you in trouble, not allowing enough time to recover.

This diagram shows the height and angle of a cross court toss.  All soft high shots from the front of the court should aim to go over the opponent's head forcing them to the back of the court.  It is a soft shot.

Squashgame Gold: Advanced Text and Video Content

Video Front Court Toss

Player A stands at the T (watching Player B feed the ball).

Player B stands around the back of the service box and feeds drop shots into the front corner for Player A to toss high and deep down the side wall.

If this drill is too difficult due to lack of control from the front, a cross court toss will also be a good return option.

Video Resources

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So, big applause, bravo bravissimo for you, my two teachers :-)

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