Guide to Squash Training
- Since squash is a game that can be played all year-round it is easy to go stale.
- It may be easier to mark the holiday season on a calendar, including the competition seasons, also mark semis and finals, before attempting to design a short/long term squash training program.
- By designing a periodised squash training/playing schedule (based around your family and work commitments) it is possible to get a balance between skills and physical conditioning.
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Heart RateMaximal Hear Rate (MHR)
At the end of the jog/run take your pulse by:
Setting a RoutineWhen training for Squash, it is easy to get carried away with the volume of training. More is not necessarily better.
It is easier to focus on conditioning if a schedule has been planned based around the time available. Here is simple example for the start of a program:
PeriodisationPeriodisation is an orgainised way to set up a training program built around goals, priorities and events.
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