Mental Training for squash players
- Mental training, is about training your mind to focus on the appropriate playing task.
- Initially, it is about learning how to identify what is actually happening during the game, and being able to take confident effective steps to "pick up your game".
- Becoming aware of what area of skill is being exploited.
- To acquire mental skills requires a planned approach.
- Each person needs to try various methods of mental training to find what works for them
- All areas of skill, eg physical, psychological, tactical, etc are controlled by ones thoughts, which in turn affect the level of performance.
- Try the following methods of mental training and gauge improvements in performance
Goal setting
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Cue Words
A brief description |
Your interpretation – what to do about it! |
“Be aggressive” – “Attack |
Get in front of your opponent. |
Problems from aggression: Rushing; hitting the ball too hard without placing the shots; over hitting; over running the ball cramping the stroke. |
“Play your game” |
We all have a style of play that suits us best, eg Hard hitting Steady and controlled (crafty) Volleying Drops Playing touch. |
Remember you are the boss, so play it your way as much as possible. It is easy to forget our style of play (our strengths) and get talked into playing the game our opponent wants us to, when we lose our initiative and play “negative”. |
“Move them around” |
Play to the four corners, eg Length, volley, drop, length, boast, toss, etc. |
By playing the backhand wall all the time, often we only play three corners and the opponent only has to run half the court distance. By moving your opponent around the four corners, the distance travelled is increased considerably. |
“Mix up the game” |
Mixing up the speed, and angles, throws the player out of rhythm and balance. |
“Break up their game” |
If your opponent is - Hitting hard – slow them down, toss from the back but tight. Playing slow – speed it up, hit hard, volley. Deceptive up front – keep them out of the front of the court unless you’re in front of them. |
“Slow them down” |
If the game flows too quickly (fast) it is difficult to – play drops catch them out of position get them going the wrong way Play fight tosses from shots off the back wall. Play cross-court tosses or floats off the boasts. Attack when the ball is loose |
A brief description |
Your interpretation – what to do about it! |
“Put more pace on the ball” |
A touch player likes time to play the ball. If you rush them around they get anxious to play shots, so keep the pace on the ball and keep the rally going. |
“Keep them behind you” |
Keep touch players behind you. Go for the shot when you’re in front. |
“Play short when they hang back” |
Often, as the rally gets longer, the player gradually edges back from the T. |
“Hit the ball back to where they came from” |
Fast running players often do not really move back to the T but hit, watch, and take off forwards. By delaying the front court shot, hitting it back to where they came from catches them “careering” forwards towards the front. |
“Be patient” |
When we feel psyched up to play we try to win too quickly. Remember your game plan. Always have a plan before going on the court. Wait for the right time to play the winner. Still go for the shots when the ball is loose but be sure not to hit the “tin”. |
“Motivate/Arouse yourself” |
It is too late, once on the court, to worry about your state of mind. Use three stages of warming-up and take about 15/20 minutes, eg Stretch and flex Mentally rehearse the game. Think about what you are going to strive for. If you know the player, and his game, you should have a “game plan” to suit. |
“Trying to do too much” |
When we are anxious to win, we can try to do too much too soon and get confused; changing your mind and making errors. Do things, point for point. Take things one-step at a time, eg. First, good length Second, tight length Third, move to the centre etc. And, be patient. |
- While driving or sitting prior to the match visualise your game plan.
- Hitting good length
- Wall targets and landing points.
- Imagine the ball coming off the "sweet spot" of the racket.
- Key strategies of your game plan
- Mentally rehearse key aspects of the game as you think it may pan out. Dealing with the Referee decisions - It is imperative that the visualisation technique will improve the performing state and hence more control.
Mental Rehearsal
- Role play - pre-play the game. Set a scene in your mind:
- At home, pick up your racket and rehearse
- "Up 2 nil" and walk at an ideal pace in between points, picking up the ball, pause before serving, moving to the T.
- Role play the third game, keeping up the game plan.
- Think about what the opponent might do that could upset you, and role play your way around it.
Extrinsic/Intrinsic Factors
- Outside factors have an influence on behavior
- Control what and who you see
- Before and during a match be selective in who you listen to and who you look at. eg:
- A grading committee member might make you feel nervous if they are in the audience
- Laughing and joking before going on the court will affect the mood
- Listening to an opponent complain "I feel so tired, I played golf today" can be a "foxes" trick so beware
- Internal influence on behhavior
- Building up feelings inside can promote negative
- Good feelings - Positive
- Looking forward to a good game
- Eating the correct meal before playing
- Get physically ready. More on preparation...
- Avoid bad feelings - negative attitude
- Feel scared
- Ate too much
- This opponent is too good for me
- Rushing and running late
- It is normal to feel a little nervous - use it to sharpen your skills
Squashgame Gold: Advanced Text and Video Content
Looking at our Inner thoughts
Looking at our inner thoughts
Obstacles in Performance | Thoughts |
Fear | Losing to a player seeded below me Not looking the player I feel I am Being beaten by a younger player Being beaten by a woman/man Of being hit with racket/ball Of being pushed and shoved Freezing on crucial points in a tournament Of making mistakes |
Lack of Self Confidence | I don't think I will win I had a late night so.. I'll be happy to get 2 games I'll be ok if they keep them deep, but I hate those drop shots. |
Self Condemnation | I get angry and self-destrictive I get negative when I am losing I keep thinking about my bad shots |
Poor Concentration | Distraction - My mind wanders onto other things. Duration - I sustain concentration for about 4 points and then... I seldom become deeply absorbed in the game, but seem to stay on the surface. |
Trying too hard | The harder I try the worse I seem I get too tight, and have difficulty relaxing |
Lack of will to win | I don't have the killer instinct I'm not Hungry enough for the ball I get ahead 5:1 and then blow it I seldom play with full effort I cannot sustain my dedication toreach my goals. |
Perfectionism | My progress never seems good enough I feel I will do better next time |
Self Conscious | I'm constantly thinking how well or badly I am playing |
Frustration | After I miss a few shots, I become frustrated and feel like quitting. |
Anger | At myself My opponent, and their lucky shots. The Referee. The ball, the lighting or dirty walls. |
Boredom | I work hard but don't enjoy training. I don't have much fun playing |
Each person has sa pre-determined amount of "anti-stress antidote" and it can be used up by exercise, worry, excitement, illness or other daily stresses.
- If a log book is kept and honest feelings expressed, for example, "felt super", "hate training", "coach in unfair", on examining the log book it would be possible to see the reasons for behavioural change.
- Stress is an integral part of our lives.
- Do not overload any one part of the body or mind disproportionately by repeating the same activity to exhaustion. The same task can be repeated easier after sleep or after a period of doing something else.
- A training programme with variety is important.
- To keep ones mind on the job during a difficult game can be near impossible, with all the other pressure during the heat of the moment.
- The important thing is to only be concerned with the things that are within your control. The follwing ideas will assist focus on the things that can be controlled.
Control element | Suggested Action |
How to serve | Lob; soft or high, hard |
What you think about | Positive thought process, eg get to the T |
Arrive on time for the match | Stretch, warmup, visualise your basic game plan |
Check your gear/equipment | Grip, Shoe laces, clothing |
Use strengths | Volley the serve Hit ball away from opponent |
Exploit opponent's weaknesses | Hit shots to the back corners |
Attitude on court | Move around the court confidently; stay positive |
Find out who the opponent is | Set up a basic game plan |
Reading the opponent's cues
- Anticipation is sometimes confused with speed.
- A person who anticipates well does not necessarily have to be fast.
The following is a guide on how to prepare early for the opponent's shots.
Opponent's Cues |
Clues |
Long back swing |
Be ready for a length drive. |
Angle of the racket face | Indicates the height of the ball trajectory. |
Speed of the swing | Soft or hard shot |
Controlled swing |
Well placed shot |
Loopy swing | Speed but not much control |
Fast on feet | Will get to every ball |
Cannot boast | All returns will hit the front wall |
Squashgame Gold: Advanced Text and Video Content
Knowing what to do
In squash, because it is so intense, watching only the ball (narrow focus/narrow eyes) can be very tiring, and cause strain.
The best method to practice is to flex from wide to narrow focus/eyes, eg
- Wide eyes is when lots of information is being taken in and processed mostly during a rally and in-between points. Attention at this level is to body positioning, shot selection, opponent's actions, ball characteristics like speed, distance, angle, height, backswing, etc..
- Narrow eyes is when the eyes have been wide, taken in lots of information, and then narrow to the point of contact with the ball and taking in clues like position of the swing, length of the swing, wrist, angle of the racket face, body position, and contact point.
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