Mental Skills Training and Techniques

- It is now accepted that the point of difference between top athletes is their mental abilities.
- The good thing is that this applies to athletes of all abilities, not just the pros.
- You can improve your level of play with just a little consistent effort, by improving your mental approach to the game of Squash
- This page explains mental skills and techniques whilst the Mental Practise page shows practical ways of implementing them.
- It is important to train these skills so they happen automatically in a game situation
Positive | Negative |
Good shot | Idiot |
Aim higher next time | Not another mistake |
Open the racket face, bend the knees | That's hopeless |
I am moving well -keep getting to the T | Fat toad |
Cue words
- Simple words or short phrases, that promote a train of thought.
- All cues need to be transformed into positive thought/action.
- Usually used in conjunction with mental imagery, which, when spoken or thought about, automatically represent an action, strategy or process which has been practiced.
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The use of cue words
Acting positively on our thoughts
A course of positive action will help concentration, as well as keep your mind on the game, and within the 4 walls of the court, cutting out distractions.
Cue word
Who is my opponent
Try to watch your opponent play; note their weaknesses and strengths; develop a strategy to suit.
I need to volley more
Move forward. Use boasts to move the opponent forward.
Keep the drives tight
Prepare for the stroke early; control the racket head;focus on thefront wall target; maybe slow down a little.
Focus/Concentrate on the task
- The ability to keep thinking about the game plan.
- To concentrate, without distraction, for an entire match including:
- The ability to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent
- Keep reviewing the basics of the game plan for its effectiveness.
- Stay positive right to the end of the match.
- Keep our mind within the court and focus on the task at hand.
- Minimise distractions from outside the court, including the Referee
Mental Imagery
- This is the imagination of all the senses, ie images, sounds, smells, feelings and emotions which assist in developing skills and modifying behaviour.
- Practising this technique will assist focussing on the task, and give a deep sense of concentration.
Link: See the Mental Imagery page for more.
- In the mental sense routines are actions which automatically trigger practiced points of concentration either mental or physical during a quiet time in competition.
- Often done in conjunction with imagery and cue words, eg pre serve routines establish the things that must be done in the coming rally.
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