Info for Your Squashgame

Pressure within

We know players can build up "steam" and we have witnessed situations which become an embarrassment. Not a good look.

What causes this internal build up?





The build up

This pressure can slowly build up, and can creep in ever so slowly sometimes eluding the player until it is too late.  What can cause this process?

  • Long rallies
  • Hitting with continuous power
  • Running hard
  • Losing points
  • Making unforced errors
  • Too many lets/strokes called

Simmer down

As soon as it is realised this pressure is causing a negative effect on the performance:

  • Reduce the speed of the ball - give more time for accuracy
  • Gain control of the ball/rally - tighten up the shots.
  • Breath slowly in between points - reduce the heart rate
  • Chase every ball

If necessary

  • change the pattern of play

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