Info for Your Squashgame

Social In-House Competition


Clubs that do not want to join all their teams in inter-club can keep their members committed by organising short in-house compettions.  This can suit players who do not wish to travel, are just starting out in competition, have limited time, need an extra practice, etc.

The rules and regulations for this competition can be more flexible than an interclub/interdistrict league which is always a good thing.

In-house Mixed Teams

In Clubs that have limited numbers, and varing standards, a mixed competition will help bring the standard of play closer together.

Target audience

Who will this competition suit?

  • ex club members,
  • social players,
  • competition players,
  • new residents to the area,
  • suitable juniors old enough that need experience,
  • other club members,
  • organisations/business houses in the area.


Before deciding on a format take the following facts into account:-

  • The target audience which will give some idea of the
      number and standard of players.
  • No. of courts available.
  • Times available to conduct the competition. 
  • Depth and width of each standard of play, i.e., the number of  A, B, C, D, E and novice players interested in participating.     
  • The number of players per team, e.g., 3, 4, or 5.
  • The number of teams or the number of divisions.

  Note:  If handicaps are introduced, it is desirable that for each
  line there is no greater handicap than plus or minus 10 points.

With a limited number of players -  teams can be arranged in various ways, the most popular being:-

                         No. 1 - A Grade

                        No. 2 - B Grade

                        No. 3 - C Grade

                        No. 4 - D Grade

 which gives the opportunity :-

  •    for lower grade players to be guided by better players.
  •    to expose lower grade players the skills of the game.
  •    to bring together all the players irrespective of their standard.                              
    The emphasis is also put onto individual improvement by offering more

Handicaps - If the standard varies too much handicaps add more incentive to both players.  Handicaps can be adjusted weekly, as necessary.

Scoring - With four players in a team it will only be necessary to referee every second week therefore making the time commitment for the competition limited.


In-house Individual Mixed


This competition is sometimes referredto as Flexi-Squash as it caters for the following ideals:-

             1)         Matches can be re-arranged at times to suit, if necessary.

             2)         Handicaps can be used when there is a gap in the standard                               of  play.

             3)         The time required for the competition is kept to a minimum.

             4)         The length of the competition, and number of divisions can be                           scheduled to suit the period of the year.                   

             5)         The number per division can be varied to suit the number of                              players nominated.

             6)         Fill-ins can be substituted when necessary.

Scoring - Time squash gives exact times the play will start and finish.

 Players scoring their own games also makes the time commitment per march less.

Handicaps - If numbers are limited, a handicap system helps keep the

interest for the lower grade players.

Individual Handicap

 This idea is often referred to as a 6 Week Rolling Competition and has the following benefits:-

            1)         Players are not committed to long periods causing
                        too long a commitment.

             2)         Results are evaluated after each game by adding or                           subtracting points to keep the enthusiasm going.

             3)         Handicaps are adjusted weekly to give everybody the                          opportunity of doing well.

             4)         Every six weeks new nominations are taken so that a new 
                         draw gives players different opponents.

             5)        The time taken per week is kept to a minimum.

             6)        Gives inter-club players the chance for another practice

             7)       The points gained each week  count towards the 
                        final results.



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