Info for Your Squashgame

Help on Setting Up Member's Profile and Partner Directory

If you wish to become an active member of the SquashGame Squash community you will need to set up your Member 's Profile. You may also wish to appear in the Playing Partners  Directory (PPD) - your profile will apear in full in the directory along with the grading info you provide below.
  1. If you wish to appear in the PPD check the box
    • if you are contacted you have the option of responding to contact although it is preferable to respond
    • your email address never appears on the website
  2. Provide an estimate of your playing ability - there is a guide to help
  3. Provide your profile
  4. Check the sex selection
  5. Ensure that your details conform to our conditions then check the box
  6. Make your selection to save, update or delete
You can choose to appear in the PPD later or withdraw your name from the directory at any time

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Squash is more than 60 sqm of court. You must get the theory knowledge as well, and you do share it perfectly here.

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