Info for Your Squashgame Squash Websites is for Everyone can help anyone in the Squash business reach a wider audience through a Squash Website.  From as little as $AU19.95* a Player, Club, Coach or Association will receive :

  • 28 day FREE no obligation trial to set up and develop your website.
  • No need to worry about website hosting, FTP uploading of files, or html coding.
  • Website options ranging from 1, 3 or 5 pages.
  •  Directory listing in the Coach, Club or Association categories.
  • Features include News, Picture Upload.
  • Self managing – update at anytime from any computer connected to the internet.
  • All options include updateable and automatically Archiving News section.
  • Some options include your own forum and listings of your prominent players, volunteers or office bearers or staff.
  • Professional look and feel.
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"I can't believe it that I can ask a squash maestro a question who lives thousands of miles away and get some words of wisdom"

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