Hitting the Opponent with the Ball - Rule 9
Published: 24 Jan 2006 - 07:28 by rippa rit
Updated: 24 Jan 2006 - 07:28
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If a player strikes the ball, which, before reaching the front wall, hits the opponent, or the opponent’s racket or clothing, play stops.
If the return would have been good and the ball would have struck the front wall without first touching any other wall, the striker wins the rally, provided the striker did not "turn".
If the ball either had struck, or would have struck, any other wall and the return would have been good, a let is played.
If the return would not have been good, the striker loses the rally.
TURNING (Rule 9)
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If the striker has either followed the ball round, or allowed it to pass around him or her - in either case striking the ball to the right of the body after the ball had passed to the left (or vice-versa) - then the striker has "TURNED".
If the opponent is struck by the ball after the striker has turned, the rally is awarded to the opponent.
If the striker, while turning, stops play for fear of striking the opponent, then a let is played. This is the recommended course of action in situations where a player wants to turn but is unsure of the opponent’s position.
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