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Who Invented Tennis - and Why?

Published: 13 Jan 2006 - 11:58 by raystrach

Updated: 13 Jan 2006 - 11:58

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The master of my household is a keen tennis player and felt like a game last night. You guessed it, I was selected as the brick wall. Unfortunately for her, I am a  very old and rough brick wall which tends to send the ball off in all directions.

Fortunately, I am a very positive bloke who looks at these occasions as  opportunities rather than chores. I try to get out of this type of session all I can for my Squash game (and it even might improve my tennis)

Apart from the physical activity aspects which are always positive, the areas where I find it helps my Squash the most is :
  • Sport principles
    • Watching the ball onto the racket
    • Getting cues from the opponent as to were the hit is going
    • Trying to execute the shot positively (even though technically I am mediocre at best)
  • Volleying
    • Keeping the wrist very firm
    • Getting the ball out in front
    • Keeping control on the stretch
    • Being patient on the overhead
    • Overall accuracy
  • Mental
    • Keeping myself under control when getting frustrated from not being able to execute properly
    • Recovering from that to play reasonably well (for me that is)
The only problem was that I was moving like an old man, I was so sore from the previous nights' activities, especially lower calves/achilles and to a lesser extent, the left knee.

Morning Walk
Had a different walk this morning on account of dropping a car off for a service - walked back form the mechanical workshop. At least the dog got very excited at this prospect   and was on fire early in the walk. By the end of it, the heat and humidity even got the better of him.

Light Exercise
A few knee strengthening exercises (i will post the main one next week)

Evening Walk
ho hum

Luckily I had the shock of looking at passport photos diverted by the tennis game, otherwise I would have sunk into a deep depressionsquash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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....One other good thing is how many different scenarios they show, nice to see the various options in practice

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