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Golf Aust CEO, young people and a fading profile

Published: 13 Jan 2006 - 10:11 by Viper

Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 09:25

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Fantastic to hear the CEO of Australian Golf approach the media himself and acknowledge the sport is having trouble attracting young people and his concern at the flagging profile of golf in Australia.

He went live on radio and asked anyone to ring up and put their point of view as to why the sport is losing interest, what golf is doing badly and more importantly how golf can attract YOUNG people back into the sport.


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From Viper - 16 Jan 2006 - 09:55

The thing that turned my head was the openess of Golfs Peak body to stand up and say :

"golf is struggling, what can we do better and importantly we want to hear from you"

The CEO approached the radio and put himself out there encouraging feedback, good and bad.

This willingness to engage with participants and accept critisism is VITAL when things are struggling.

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From raystrach - 15 Jan 2006 - 23:25   -   Updated: 15 Jan 2006 - 23:33

Young people around the world are slower in getting into competitive sport. It now requires a different approach by those involved in sports the get young people involved.

another factor that has not been mentioned here is the increased participation of older people (the baby boomers) in sports. I don't know of too many young people who would choose to play with people of their parents' age.

all sports need to make sporting participation more young people friendly

oh yes...

look at the money in golf - huge amounts - one reasonable US tournament would pay for the mens and the womens squash tour for an entire year!.

All sports are becoming more polarised the pros practice harder and for longer, more science gets applied, it is more professional.
The mugs play more social sports or modified sports and play less of it. not all that long ago, the pros would be playing in the local club comp from time to time - that does not happen any more.

although I was never a playing pro, I still felt that I achieved something in playing Squash. at lot of young people think that just because they can't make it as a pro (or don't want to) there is no point in playing. they could not be more wrong!

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