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I Play ... Tennis

My Lower Back and Glute Stretch

My Lower Back and Glute Stretch

Published: 09 Jan 2006 - 23:36 by raystrach

Updated: 09 Jan 2006 - 23:38

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Who is the BOSS at home? Do I really need to tell you?

When "asked" if you will fill in for her tennis team can you really say NO?

Really, I don't mind playing tennis as it gives good practice especially for volleys and it is another opportunity for some physical activity. Also, with the humidity so high, it is possible to get a reasonable workout. The negative was that I have a Squash article I promised you guys a day or two ago - there goes that for another day.

As it turns out, I played a shocker. Played poorly, did not have my own racket (it is being restrung) which drained confidence and I went from bad to worse then back to bad. I had played quite OK on previous fill in occasions.

What was so annoying was my total inability to concentrate - I just kept losing the plot. Luckily, the team won, beating an undefeated team by a single game, so I suppose not all was lost. No thanks to me!

My knee was quite sore today (which i expected) after yesterday's Squash but I think it will improve ever so slightly tomorrow - we will see.

Morning Walk
The usual morning walk loosened up the old knee a little at least.

Morning Swim
You cannot believe how hard it is to swim a lousy 400 metres, especially when it is not all freestyle and you take a big rest in between each 100. Still, it is good to be really puffed at the end of each 100. I must keep concentrating on each 100 - each one takes me a little closer to my goal.

Evening Tennis
As previously described - I just hope I have got rid of all my poor physical abilities tonite so only good stuff is left for tomorrow night

Light Stretch
Lower back/Glute stretchsquash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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.....based on my search query makes me think highly of you and people maintaining this website.

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