Grays squash equipment ?
Published: 09 Jan 2006 - 13:05 by Viper
Updated: 19 Sep 2008 - 17:57
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Where does this originate from, is it an Australian company ?

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From raystrach - 09 Jan 2006 - 23:04
From rippa rit - 09 Jan 2006 - 21:26
At that time, about mid 1960's say, the Agent was in South Australia.
I was at the UQ Sports Shop this week, and I noticed there was a Gray's squash racket on the shelf which surprised me.
It had a lovely feel.
I thought they had originated in England.
From Viper - 09 Jan 2006 - 15:21 - Updated: 09 Jan 2006 - 22:32
Seems to be an English company.
Wonder who the distributor is in Australia, they are pretty active whoever they are.
They would be the type of forum member that could add an industry presence to the board and under their name may be a tag :
" Grays Rep"
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don't know what cricket is? no it is not the equipment crickets use to make that annoying noise!!
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