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Are You Bored Yet?

Published: 07 Jan 2006 - 01:05 by raystrach

Updated: 07 Jan 2006 - 01:05

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I was hoping to have a solo practice today but the club closes early on Friday and I ran out of time. The one good thing was that I did some physical work today which is always good.

Morning Walk
Had my usual morning walk but today I had the added responsibility of walking the dog by myself. (my dear wife is away for a couple of days) Luckily I managed to complete the walk without incident.

Evening Walk
Yes, I also do an evening walk, but it is usually only about 2 klms. Over the last few months, I have started to take the opportunity when walking, to do some affirmations.  I have been having some trouble recently not watching the opponent carefully enough. As a consequence,I am very late on picking up the direction of the ball.

The thing is, I am looking at the opponent hit the ball, but I am not concentrating on it - I am probably in dreamworld!

But I digress...

Whilst taking my afternoon walk, I repeated two of my affirmations:
  1. I always carefully watch my opponent hit the ball  and
  2. I always pick up the cues from my opponents shot, early
I probably repeated each about 100 times. We will see if it makes any difference when I play a competition match next week!

Simple Exercises
2 x Knee strengthening exercises (I will post a photo of this exercise in a few days)
1 x back/glute stretch

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