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Got hit again!

Navel withdrawl is NOT making every effort

Navel withdrawl is NOT making every effort

Published: 11 Aug 2004 - 18:53 by rippa rit

Updated: 12 Feb 2008 - 06:51

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It is easy to blame the opponent if you are being hit regularly, and you then get mad or cranky at your opponent. .  However, especially if this is happening with more than one opponent.  Maybe you are doing something wrong.

 Take a look at your play, eg

  • If you hit a bad shot, clear the ball, and watch the ball at all times and move, to allow the opponent a full swing at the ball, which can hit the front wall without hitting you. Then be ready to R U N..R U N ..
  • Bounce on your toes, as the opponent swings, and be ready to chase. Focus on -
    • Keeping the returns out of the centre of the court.
    • Visualise the wall targets.
    •  Watch the ball as it rebounds off the back wall and move, allowing the opponent to swing towards any spot on the front wall.
    •  When serving, aim on the front wall at a target, that will enable the serve to touch the side wall forcing the opponent into the back corner.
    • Practice hitting drives that "die" in the back corners.
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From daveamour - 26 Apr 2007 - 14:41   -   Updated: 26 Apr 2007 - 14:41

aprice85 - yes this should be a stroke to you - alternativley hit your Dad up the arse as hard as you can then smile and say sorry - he won't do it many more times after that!

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From drop-shot - 17 Feb 2005 - 17:36

Morning everybody.
I think that the best solution for Arthur, apart from reading the rules, is to watch some games by profi players. Try to get a dvd or download links from psa-squash (matches from Harris British Open) or from some other websites. The situation described by you (opponent hitting himself) happened TWO times to John White during Brit Super Finals in 2002. Watch the game with Ong Beng Hee and you will see whaty I meant. The other solution is to choose another partner to play. And hit the ball everytime away from you, even if that's the counter drop-shot. You can clear the ball coming back to the T, but not in a straight line... Hope I helped a bit

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From rippa rit - 14 Feb 2005 - 21:48

hi aprice - thanks for your enquiry. Hold the cursor on Library on the Home Page, click on the tab rules/specifications, refer to Rule 12 Interference. It is the striker's obligation to give the incoming striker freedom to play the ball.. before making a decision of Let/Stroke/No Let it is necessary to determine if the ball could be struck by the opponent at the point of interference, if Yes - Stroke; if No - No let. Often players want a stroke, when in fact they could not hit/reach the ball when the interference occurred, and by the time they can actually hit the ball there is no interference. Read all the rule interpretations thoroughly and you will get a better understanding. If you hit the ball, without asking for a let, and injure your opponent you could be penalised for dangerous play.

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From aprice1985 - 14 Feb 2005 - 07:28

Please answer this question. If my oppent hits the ball back at himself and then ducks is it a stroke to me as my dad does this all the time and i find it really annoying as he obviously expects me to just hit the ball over his head and I don't want to do this.

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