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Racquet slouch

Published: 29 Dec 2005 - 09:35 by gerrard

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 11:47

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I practice keeping my racquet up during drills but when it comes to playing games, my racquet is constantly down. In essence I leave my brain at the door and forget to keep my racquet raised at all times. I have been told by many players to keep it up but I don't...I have been playing for one year now and still can't remember during a normal game...any suggestions

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From raystrach - 29 Dec 2005 - 19:24   -   Updated: 29 Dec 2005 - 19:29

hi gerrard

welcome to the squashgame forum. as usual the advice so far has been good.   as rita said, you re not robinson crusoe!  my advice:
  • if you are serious it may take just a little pain to remedy
  • when practising, pay particular attention to the time around when the opponent/partner strikes the ball (this my affect your practise game negatively at first)
    • just remember, practice is not a time when you think about winning - you should be thinking about achieving your session goals (like keeping your racket prepared)
    • during your opponent's downswing, your racket should be comfortably in front of you
    • you should be focussing in on your opponent - their position and swing in relation to the ball
    • you do this to get cues as to what the are going to do
  • don't try to do this too much if your are playing competition - by concentrating on this in practice for a few sessions, it will gradually go into your game automatically
  • you will need to remind yourself of it from time to time as you get slack or start concentrating on other things
  • many of the photos in the library show the correct racket position in between hits
  • read the strokes and movement section of the library
    • you will need to do this a number of times - as you improve and progress more points will "gel"
be sure to keep us informed of your progress. we ARE interested beleive it or not!!

more members might like to comment, but make sure you have fun!

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From rippa rit - 29 Dec 2005 - 18:46

Welcome gerrard to the forum - you are not the only player who holds their wrist up but runs around the court with the racket around their knees, more or less. As well, often this racket sways around while moving to the ball as though there is a bit of string tied from the racket handle to the feet!!
It is probably a habit to some extent but I think this is the problem mainly:
  • Once you strike the ball, your follow through is automatically in the "racket ready postion".
  • There is no need to do a thing after the follow through as by your body movement the racket will move into position with you, so just let it relax comfortable in front of you.
  • Never take your racket down at any time after striking the ball, or when commencing your backswing.
Give that a try and let me know how you go?

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From Viper - 29 Dec 2005 - 10:23

This is something you must correct.

A low hanging racket puts you at such a dissadvantage.

Maybe write "RACKET UP" in thick marker below your knucles on your on hitting hand when you play, this may help to trigger you to lift it .

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