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Bouncing ball rule

How many bouces allowed from rebounds?!

How many bouces allowed from rebounds?!

Published: 23 Dec 2005 - 21:12 by amean

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 10:24

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I visited the website and found it very intersting. But the only thing it lacks are special situation rules. I had a question that, if my opponent hits the ball to the front wall, it bounces and hits any other wall, so am i supposed to volley the ball cozit has already been bounced once or am i allowed another bounce? A quick reply would help as i have my first game comin up!


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From rippa rit - 24 Dec 2005 - 11:09

Slavi - I did not know you were "renting" out that photo and never realised that picture would be so marketable. 

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From raystrach - 24 Dec 2005 - 07:53

hi amean

just in case you are confused:
  • hit the wall(s) as many times as is possible as long as it hits the front wall within the relevant lines
  • must not bounce on the floor more than once

love those legs slavi!!

see holiday mesage!

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From drop-shot - 23 Dec 2005 - 23:21

Rita!!! I think this picture is familiar to me ...

Merry Everything, Dear All!!!!

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From rippa rit - 23 Dec 2005 - 22:37

Hello amean - welcome to the forum.  Keep coming back as we can guide you along.
  • Here are a few links for you to keep going back to for further information:
    • How to play, and in particular the rally.  All of that section would be helpful.
    • The rules link would be useful and there is plenty to read.
    • Once you get an idea it would be a good to keep following the skills.
About your question:
  • The ball must only hit the floor
  • The ball hits the front wall, strikes the side wall only once, that is ok(providing the ball is in the court).
  • The ball hits the front wall once, side wall once, back wall once, then bounces on the floor once, that is ok.
The ball may be volleyed at any time,

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