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Bring back cold weather, cold courts and slow ball

Published: 22 Dec 2005 - 19:15 by Viper

Updated: 22 Dec 2005 - 21:53

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I much rather it when the weather is cold and the ball slow, makes for a better game I think.

At present the game is like being in a pin ball machine !

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From rippa rit - 22 Dec 2005 - 21:53

Yep Viper it can make the ball hard to control.
  • Just let the opponent do the hitting and you do the controlling, and only wack it when it is ready to finish off.
  • Only lob serve too might help.
  • Aim lower on the front wall, but no tin shots for the power shots.
  • Return the serve high and soft down the backhand wall.

Tell me if that is any better.  The feet must remain fast, but the racket work slower and more controlled except if the ball sits out, and then BANG.!

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