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New Player Questions

Published: 15 Dec 2005 - 03:23 by AJW

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 10:25

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I recently started playing squash regularly and have some very basic questions.  I've found this site very helpful, but I hope some of the readers can help me out.

Balls - how often do you change them?  Do they go dead?  We use the single dot balls, but they're really old.

Racquets - I have a fairly cheap racquet, but am willing to invest in a better one.  Can someone suggest a racquet in the $150 range that would be good for a beginner looking to play twice a week.

Shoes - I bought a pair online, but I hate them.  It's hard to explain, but it's impossible to use the laces to pull the shoes tight.  Does that make sense?  Are all squash shoes like this?

Instructional DVD - are there any?  I'd love to see diagrams of serve strategies and other shot ideas as well as execution by pros.  What about books?  Can anyone recommend one?

Thanks very much for any help you can provide.  If there's anything else you'd like to add, please do so.



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From AJW - 21 Dec 2005 - 02:45

Thanks for the help, guys.  I live in NYC, if that helps.  I've thought about getting a few lessons, but I can't find any listings for squash coaches/instructions.  Any ideas?  I can't afford regular lessons, but I think and hour or two could be quite helpful.  Would anyone disagree with that?

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From rippa rit - 16 Dec 2005 - 08:00

Hello again - I was surfing around looking for squash news today and came across this link with some products .
This might help - and i see a Coaching DVD advertised.
I would not recommend buying shoes on line as you need to try them on for comfort and size.
Let us know how you go.

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From rippa rit - 15 Dec 2005 - 07:23   -   Updated: 15 Dec 2005 - 08:26

AJW - Firstly, welcome to the forum - you will find our members helpful too.
I will just comment on one thing at a time as I understand what you are looking for. By  the way you did not say where you live as that might help a person giving you some advice too.
How to play and the strokes - On the squashgame home page put the cursor on Squash Library then click the tab Getting Started and it will give some photos and diagrams etc.  Click on all the menu and submenu items. There is a bit about squash balls too.
Then in the Library there is a section Strokes and Movement which will have plenty of ideas for you.
Click on the "more" tabs as well.
Balls - I suggest, go for a recognised brand, and one purchased at the club/centre you play as that should suit the climate - try to stick to world wide brands when you know little about the products I reckon. For example, a ball that is old can be shiny, and skid on the walls, but they do not actually wear out.  If a ball was purchased in a hot climate and you take it to a cold climate there could be a problem.  You know if you do not keep hitting the ball it will not bounce, particularly if the rallies are short and not going more than 3 hits - try using a constant temperature ball, maybe a blue or white dot. You can cheat and run the ball under hot water to warm it and see if the bounce gets higher!!
Rackets - I would suggest a medium price as new players do hit the wall and crack the frames fairly easily. Under squashgame's Member Services (see on the righthand corner), take a look at Gear Review, might give some idea.  Also go to Members Forum, tab Forum Archive, there could be someprevious discussions of interest for you.
Shoes - well, that a very personal choice as we all have different shaped feet (a bit like noses!). Do not wear a jogger or runner, but it needs to be a "court shoe", eg badminton, table tennis, indoor sport type, and it needs to be pliable in the sole since you will be twisting and turning and needing good grip for take-off.  Think you better use those others for the gardening and start again!
DVD Instruction -There has been previous discussion and here is the link.
Anyway AJW just keep on coming back to squashgame for a peep and you are sure to get help as you continue your squash journey.

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