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Australian Open draw ->

Published: 13 Dec 2005 - 15:41 by Viper

Updated: 24 Dec 2005 - 23:07

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She is playing. My question is :

1. Will she compete in the open event or an over age event like she did in the British open (over 35) ?

2. If she competed in the open event would she have any chance of winning ?

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From raystrach - 24 Dec 2005 - 22:56   -   Updated: 24 Dec 2005 - 23:07

happy christmas viper and all

who knows viper, santa might just bring you a surprise for christmas

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From Viper - 24 Dec 2005 - 20:39

Thanks Ray.

Have a great xmas

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From raystrach - 24 Dec 2005 - 18:47

hi viper

usually masters events (35 and over) are played as stand alone events. they are usually conducted by the various state/national masters associations which only have a tenuous link to the state/national counterparts. the british o/35 is an exception.

as far a sarah goes, i do not know how fit she is, but it is amazing how quickly you lose fitness, especially when you are on the wrong side of 35.  this is especially true when at elite levels of  fitness. besides, when you have been playing at the top level for at least 15 years, won many state/national/international titles, it is very hard to maintain the enthusiasm.

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From Viper - 24 Dec 2005 - 14:44   -   Updated: 24 Dec 2005 - 14:46

Well the draw is out and it seems:


1.Sarah Fitz is not playing - dissapointing, why would she not play especially given the draw is quite weak it would seem ?

2. R Grinham is top seed, followed by Amelia Pittock and then Melisa Martin

3. Would Sarah be expected to beat Martin at the moment ?

4. Mens draw is much stronger with Ricketts top seed then Palmer and Boswell

5. No over age draw is posted, do they have over age playing as well, ie over 35 etc ?

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From rippa rit - 13 Dec 2005 - 22:39

Viper - this is the link so you can follow the Aust Open Draw etc as soon as it is made public.
Remember most of our players are based overseas, and while they may come home for Christmas may not necessarily want to play squash, especially if there is no monetary reward.
Just keep popping into the link to see what sort of a field we get.

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From Viper - 13 Dec 2005 - 20:04

That is interesting, I would love to see her up against Grinham who I presume will be number 1 seed, or is the other ranked players coming down for the Open I wonder ?

So I guess from your response she will compete in the over 35.

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From rippa rit - 13 Dec 2005 - 19:37

Viper - Sarah probably would win, but fitness goes quickly and, from my experience no player who has been No. 1 wants to jepardise their reputation.  Retirement means I just want to play when I think I can win or when I have prepared myself, or when it does not matter..
  • We spoke about backswings and technique only yesterday and I forgot to mention that Sarah did have shoulder surgery about 2001 or so - not sure exactly so all of those things have a bearing on the physical preparation as well as the span of a career.

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