Ups and Downs of Squash
Published: 03 Dec 2005 - 08:03 by rippa rit
Updated: 03 Dec 2005 - 08:07
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- The Guru was spot on when he said "squash is like a see-saw". True.
- Just ask the World top ranked players at the World Open in Hong Kong.
- How can we explain the ups and downs? Here is some food for thought:
- At a lower level the ups and downs are likely to be caused by the lack of skills practice, and the use of the skills inappropriately combined with fitness, and mental skills.
- So, say, what could affect our World top 10? These are just some of the things that come to mind.
- Mental strength and the ability to keep applying physical pressure over an extended tournament period.
- Adjusting to the rigourous travel schedules and continually being on the move.
- In foreign countries finding suitable food to satisfy the needs and replenish the fuel to keep firing day after day.
- Being away from the support of family in times of stress. Emotional factors play a huge part in staying in the zone.
- Recovery from injury and the ability to keep backing up after long matches.
- It is not that the skills desert the players all of a sudden, but it is the ability to focus and concentrate and keep in the "zone".
- It can be a struggle to keep the discipline with the many attractive outside influences all of which affect sleep, relaxation,calmness, and the list goes on.
- Surviving financially, and affording the professional help when needed, eg physio.

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