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hitting powerful shots

Published: 01 Dec 2005 - 08:33 by aprice1985

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 10:26

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I have noticed that many players manage to hit the ball very hard despite seeming to put in a lot less effort than i do to hit hard, any tips on how to increase the power of my attacking shots?

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From rippa rit - 01 Dec 2005 - 18:40

aprice - what Viper has said is correct, but the swing does have a big bearing on the generation of power.  Take a picture of the backswing in your mind, and note the starting point - the explosion happens (strike the ball) as the forearm straightens.  Here is the link to the swing.
Stand in front of the mirror with your racket, take a look at the swing (don't break the mirror), and at the point of contacting the ball (the hitting zone) their should be a "swishing" sound.  Can you hear it?

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From Viper - 01 Dec 2005 - 16:57

Timing and weight transfer, beyond that >

To really hit it very hard, like all ball and stick sports it is about club head/racket speed simple as that.

But as a fundamental you require timing and a transfer of weight through the ball.

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