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Reviewing post bug ?

Published: 28 Nov 2005 - 09:40 by Viper

Updated: 28 Nov 2005 - 22:54

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Sometimes when I use the review for editing then use the back button to edit something I find all the text has gone, this has happened on a regular basis and I now copy the text before I attempt to use the back button.squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From raystrach - 28 Nov 2005 - 22:54

don't know what is going on there viper. it is set up to cache what is in the form so should return with the form still containing the original entries. it is certainly working for me

let me know your browser and operating system if you wish

in any case, i will look into it. if i can't get it reliable the way it works now, i will have to  approach it from a different angle

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