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The serve deserves more attention

Published: 28 Nov 2005 - 08:46 by Viper

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 10:27

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Unless you are a pro, points in squash are lost or won with the serve on so many occassions.

Played on the weekend and this point was so obvious especially in games where the players take the serve seriously.

I lost many points due to my less than tight return of serve, ie

Serve > my slightly weak return  > winner, or I was put in such a position that I was always going to loose the point.

And when I serve tight I am in such a commanding position and usually win the point easily.

This is at a reasonable standard as well, not hacks.

I am convinced not enough weight is placed on the serve, especially at solid pennant level.

I am resolved to practice until I can hit the high side wall in a small circle no bigger than a dinner plate everytime I serve I am convinced it gives the server a big advantage in the point from the outset.

I see so many good pennant players just hit the ball without thought on the serve.

On the other side of the coin I can win nearly every point If as the receiver I can return the serve tight and long to the back corners, nearly always the receiver will respond with a weak recovery from such a position which will enable me to kill the ball or at least build up such pressure that I win the point.

At the same time I must resist trying to hit winners when returning the ball on the serve as it is so hard to do and often results in a poor position, much better to hit it tight. As such I am hitting dozens of backhand and forehand volley return of serves, especially backhand when I practice.

Even the two books I am reading say so little about the serve, I believe it is not given anough attention, different for pros as they can return any serve anytime but for us social/pennant players I reckon one could pocket 2/3/4 more points every game by just concentrating on the serve more. 

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From rippa rit - 01 Dec 2005 - 07:04

Hi Viper- here is an article About the Serve  which might be helpful.
If you are at all confused about what I have said just fire away?

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From raystrach - 28 Nov 2005 - 19:43

hi viper and all

your comments are spot on. it also made me look at the content we have on the subject. it seems we are missing on valuable piece of information (it is in our forthcoming "GOLD' content). i will correct that shortly, but, in brief:
  • serving is the only "closed" skill in Squash ie. it is totally under the control of the server
  • You need to develop a routine on serve (you may notice tennis players on serve or basketball players when taking a free throw)
  • that routine should inlcude:
    • a quick asessment of the previous rally (1 - 2 sec)
    • a quick plan of attack on the upcoming serve
    • a quick review of the target points which apply to that plan
  • the receiver should undertake a similar review
i will provide more content in the appropriate section soon

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