Pro Kennex - ti 140 PBT Kinetic
Published: 26 Nov 2005 - 14:51 by raystrach
Updated: 04 Jan 2007 - 15:16
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I have always liked pro kennex rackets as they generally have a little more weight in the head than many other brands.
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- i like a little more weight in a racket in prefernce to the ultra light rackets available today.
- the kinetic material in the head definitely takes a lot of vibration out of the racket and gives it a smoother feel
- the 140 has been quite a durable racket as was the 150 before it
- i also have a later model 120, which has a slightly differerent shape but is a bit light for me (even though it has a very similar feel)
- i usually don't hit the ball all that hard (it takes to much energy!) and need a racket which has a little weigt in the head to maintain momentum especially in drops and lobs and, to some extent, boasts

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From dapsqld - 04 Jan 2007 - 15:16
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