New Forum Category
Published: 24 Nov 2005 - 22:46 by raystrach
Updated: 25 Nov 2005 - 07:18
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As most of you will know, has been making some big changes recently and this new Forum category "SquashGeek" is one of them. SquashGeek aims to serve as a forum for:
I have changed the category of a number of posts which fit this category. There are also a couple of more categories almost ready to go as well. they'll be here very soon.
Looking back on many of the posts that I changed , a number of members will be pleased that i have followed up on their suggestions. As always, i am looking for suggestions and feedback and of course, the occasional wrap does not go astray when deserved!
Now it's over to you, the members again... How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
- Our new Squash Websites service where all SquashGame members can list their services or purchase a fully functional, full featured website.
- Comments, suggestions and questions on technical features
- Help on any process or service
I have changed the category of a number of posts which fit this category. There are also a couple of more categories almost ready to go as well. they'll be here very soon.
Looking back on many of the posts that I changed , a number of members will be pleased that i have followed up on their suggestions. As always, i am looking for suggestions and feedback and of course, the occasional wrap does not go astray when deserved!
Now it's over to you, the members again... How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
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