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Local library mirrors the state of squash

Published: 21 Nov 2005 - 17:25 by Viper

Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 09:34

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Had a look at my usually very  slick and up to date  local library recently and I went through all the squash books available, 1989 was the most recent !

I asked the person in control and she said the age of any book/subject reflects how often people show interest !

Enough said

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From raystrach - 25 Nov 2005 - 20:45

hi all

i have been so busy with the site upgrade (and viper of course!!) that i forgot to welcome evil_flounder to the forum. what i think evil_flounder was saying is that is THE source for squash info.

would that be correct evil_flounder?

what is scary is that we have only scratched the surface of the resources that we have in cardboard boxes and binders just about everywhere. we will eventually get them on line, so we have not finished yet!

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From rippa rit - 23 Nov 2005 - 08:08

  • Yep old squash rackets are great heirlooms - bought a couple myself.

  • Squash rackets are pretty resilient.  Strings go a bit dooey over time, but the frame stays ok except if you leave it in the car in the hot sun.  Ever tried playing with one of those small heads?  Even kids today would not use them.

  • Surprises me anybody would want to buy a second-hand squash racket, let alone one with a small head, that probably would not take a restring.

  • As for tennis rackets, they just warp (it is an outdoor sport) and then the kids use it to hit around the yard. Not too many old tennis rackets would be saleable, or even giveable.

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From rippa rit - 23 Nov 2005 - 07:18

Yep - news travels fast on the net.  Sure saves stacking books on the shelf.
Besides, there is a better opportunity to research each area of expertise thoroughly.  The fun part is revamping it and putting the info into the true practical sense.
This is the reason squashgame have taken this tac.
What fun!

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From Viper - 23 Nov 2005 - 07:10

Plenty of recent books on tennis, golf, cricket, skiing......etc...etc so the internet arguement does not hold up I am afraid evil.

Something else I have seen so much of over the recent years is bins full of squash rackets in charity shops while at the same time there is only a tiny amount of say tennis rackets being discarded.

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From missing_record1 - 22 Nov 2005 - 23:33

Squash is growing in the USA and I think the lack of squash books is simply an indication of  our move toward the Internet as a source of information.  Squash lives!

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From aprice1985 - 22 Nov 2005 - 07:21

Try looking for skills of the game: squash by david pearson published by crowood, it is quite a good modern book

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From rippa rit - 22 Nov 2005 - 07:06

Yes Viper there have not been a lot of books written recently, and some were not worth reading.  I know the following were popular in their day, and I will list them:
  • 1960/70 Vin Napier (dec.) was a NSW player, published a pocket book as well as a hard cover and it was reprinted a few times.
  • Hashim Khan's book was well received and inspired players to greater heights. World Champ player.
  • 1970/80 Jeff Hunt (sponsored by Stella) had a reprint of his book . World Champ 7/8 times.
  • Jeff also produced a coaching video.which was purchased by many clubs.
  • Mid 1970 Heather Mackay (forget who printed it) had a book which was popular  with lots of pictures of the strokes (done in frames). World Champ 15 times.
The above books were good value for money.  Other books that I had purchased were mostly story books and I found of limited value in terms of learning to play the game.

Not sure that this helps.  Without a publisher or sponsor you are stuck to foot the bill for publishing.

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