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Site/Forum page should utilize full screen width

Published: 21 Nov 2005 - 08:56 by Viper

Updated: 21 Nov 2005 - 23:36

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Any reason why the whole page width is not utilized by the site?

Missing out in a lot of possible content, including advertising space I feel.

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From raystrach - 21 Nov 2005 - 23:36

i am glad you posted those links, viper because only the "age" site is a fixed width 1024px site. another is an 800px site with expanding edges. the others have a structure which enable them to expand to the page width.

this is a completely different site. the other problem of course is different browsers. for example since your post, i centered this page, but you will only see that on some browsers

i suspect that you are viwing this page on an ie5 browser which does not read css very well. you just can't win when you design for cross-browser ability.

as for advertising, please re read my reply above.

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From Viper - 21 Nov 2005 - 15:46

Fair enough Ray, I did a look around and I guess most sites I look at are full page but I also found some sites like yours that are part page.

Thanks for the feedback.

I would not rule out outside advertising as searching and buying from the web is the future, well it is not the future it is now.

But then it comes down to "unique page view stats" for your site to attract advertises.

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From raystrach - 21 Nov 2005 - 14:41

hi  viper

you make a couple of good points, but take on board these factors.
  • the screen width is designed for 800 pixels - an industry standard  - although 1024 is starting to make its way into use
  • it is only recenly that screens wth a width of  1024 pixels became common (some screens may now be even larger) - many people  still have screens of  800 pixels and most laptop screens are no more than 1024
  • how much do you hate scrolling sideways?
  • some people have their screens set at at different resolution
  • many people like to have a  history or  favourites toolbar to the left (a we page and the toolbar just fot into my screen)
  • websites which are able to fill out the width of the page  are possible but not with the structure we have
  • by controlling widths etc you stand a better chance of the site appearing in the browser s it was designed - remember that different browsers interpret the page in different ways
  • we have been working on this project for sbout 7 years not intending to put advertising on it, although we do intend to generate income over time. for now, advertising is not on our agenda except for prducts and services that we provide
thanks for your interest

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