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Welcome to the New Site

Published: 15 Nov 2005 - 01:40 by drop-shot

Updated: 17 Nov 2005 - 20:40

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Well, I have to say, new look of the site is neat, a bit more user friendly ... I enjoy the Players' profile idea, Forum being fine-tuned... I am anxious to explore more :-)squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!

From rippa rit - 17 Nov 2005 - 20:40

Hi valued members - if you notice anything that seems to have been overlooked, eg a link that goes nowhere, picture gone wonky, whatever that I have missed while editing with the changeover and revamp, please just send in the feedback so we can get at it asap. Yeah, we have heaps of pictures to add but that is on the "to do" list . Thanks a million.

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From rippa rit - 15 Nov 2005 - 19:36

Wow - some error messages have appeared out of nowhere, to do with pictures I think, but our Webmaster has left us, probably to play squash, so just bear with it until we track him down.
Until all the features are completed this is sure to keep happening - just use your imagination for now members please. 

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From raystrach - 15 Nov 2005 - 02:06

thanks slavic

i would have liked to have everything completed by now, but it will be tidied up soon

your feed back is always welcome

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Yeah . . . it worked this time. Thanks for your time explaining

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