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Club costs

Published: 09 Nov 2005 - 05:13 by aprice1985

Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 09:37

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Hi, i recently enquired about joining a club in Norwich in England and was told that membership was £270 and for students (which i am) £90 and on top of that there was a £4 charge per court for lights i was told. This seems like a terrible price to me I certianly can't afford it and i am well off for a student. What does anyone else think and do you feel that high prices are a reason for the current drop in numbers in the game? Also has anyone any advice for some one who wants to improve but cannot play regular matches against better players as my CRAP university club only offers matches for members of the team and although i might be good enough to be on it i have been given no info on tryouts or anything like that. There is no in club ladder or league system. Not that i am angry at wasting £40 on this or anything!

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