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Upgrade to Close SquashGame

Published: 02 Nov 2005 - 13:03 by raystrach

Updated: 02 Nov 2005 - 13:07

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Due to our long awaited upgrade, will be offline during the weekend of 12/13th of november 2005.

During that weekend we will be putting in place our new cleaner look, updated and revised content, the new Profile Websites for players, clubs coaches and associations and adding features to our Members' Forum.

In the meantime, please update your contact details (ie email addresses) as we wil be notifying all members of our new services when we go back online.

This upgrade will take us a step closer to our aim of being the best Squash players website. Please continue to make posts in the forum as nothing will be lost in the changeover.

We appreciate your support so far and hope that the new site will provide even greater service.

PS. We are always looking for constructive feedback and suggestions. We have already incorporated some of your suggestions in the new design and it may be possible to add even more should they come forward. So don't just sit there! ...squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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After reading your hints and tips on serving, footwork, strokes, my game is becoming more and more professional and my coach is shocked with the development I've made.

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We hope to see you back soon when we launch our updated site.