Squash is like a See-Saw
Published: 19 Oct 2005 - 07:33 by rippa rit
Updated: 19 Oct 2005 - 07:33
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The Guru's quote for this week is spot on,"competitive squash is like a see saw", and very well describes the outcome of the British Open. We saw players "pushing up" from injury to regain their physical condition, and rankings. We saw mental and tactical skills "see saw" as players got ahead, then levelled off, in their effort to get in front.
So the challenge for all players is to keep the "see saw" a smooth ride, without too many bumps.
It is easy to watch, listen, and read this, but there is only one way to conquer this as a player - have a progressive periodised training program that encompasses all of the above aspects. Address the weaknesses to make a balanced program.
On the positive side, defeat draws out the strength and resources of a true champion.
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So the challenge for all players is to keep the "see saw" a smooth ride, without too many bumps.
It is easy to watch, listen, and read this, but there is only one way to conquer this as a player - have a progressive periodised training program that encompasses all of the above aspects. Address the weaknesses to make a balanced program.
On the positive side, defeat draws out the strength and resources of a true champion.
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