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Free squash Movies Seeker,

Published: 07 Aug 2005 - 10:26 by SherifEid

Updated: 02 Jul 2008 - 08:35

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Hi Everyone ,..i'm wandering
where i can Download a free squash videos(matches)?
Thanks alotsquash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From rippa rit - 02 Jul 2008 - 08:35

WISPA have a promo video for download.

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From rippa rit - 10 Mar 2008 - 18:27

What about this link for some choice action clips of matches, even if they are short they are free and able to be viewed without a funny business too.

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From tahirzeeshan - 06 Mar 2008 - 21:44   -   Updated: 06 Mar 2008 - 21:45

i m down loading but net spead is verry slow what  i do

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From steviep - 06 Mar 2008 - 09:00

I've downloaded DivX movies from psalive and they are as good as a DVD - they make all the best matches available as DivX and you leave thePC running overnight on a download - by the morning its loaded on your PC and ready to play without waiting a week or two for dvds in the post.

PSALive are still releasing dvds but they are getting less and less and i expect is because the divx downloads are just as good.

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From stevo - 29 Feb 2008 - 08:06

I couldnt' get the vids on that site to work either. I got 6 seconds of one vid which took about 10 mins to get.


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From jimbob1965 - 29 Feb 2008 - 03:51

Once I found the squash videos (I thought it was a bit dodgy too to start with!), I also had trouble viewing them.  They are either very S-L-O-W or completely freeze.  Funnily enough, the adverts that precede the videos play perfectly - hmm!!

Shame as I would really like to watch those Mike Way videos and the playback quality, if you can get it to work, looks as though it may be quite good.



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From rippa rit - 28 Feb 2008 - 19:33   -   Updated: 28 Feb 2008 - 22:22

shib - what has that stuff in that link got to do with the price of eggs?  I am unable to read ????????



obviously had a few problems finding squash - though you were winding us up for a minute. just make sure you type 'squash' into the search form and be patient it took me a few times to make it work.

also the had trouble playing the videos. anyone had trouble?

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From shib - 28 Feb 2008 - 01:54   -   Updated: 28 Feb 2008 - 07:53

I found this korean video website that has some full squash matches on them go to and search for squash and some of the player's names. you can even find mike way's power squash vol 1-3 there. hope this helps.

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From Mikehlee - 27 Feb 2008 - 08:53

From raystrach - 24 Aug 2006 - 20:47

i know we are getting off topic here but these links may be worth a look

A Numbers Game

A  Sad Lonely death

The Idle Asset

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From Daren - 24 Aug 2006 - 15:35

Actually, the way I see it, squash will never be a big spectator sport, its a participation sport, thats the way to grow squash, get people PLAYING rather than watching.


Anyway, do we really NEED to grow squash? Maybe just enjoy what we've got.


Ok I've said enough.


"Let's not get to hung up on this topic, as we do not have the money or the authority to change anything unfortunately"



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From rippa rit - 24 Aug 2006 - 14:48

Daren - yep all of your ideas are good ones and worth thinking about.  It is all about money whatever way you look at it.  Also the glo-ball added a bit of interest for a while where they tried to capture the points and raise the excitement.  Also the change from two serves to one serve happened before that which might have made a tad difference.

Yep, ok shorten the points, and a bonus for the nicks, or maybe put a square in each corner of the court and a bonus point is added if the ball lands in that part of the court causing an unforced error.... whatever...a replay is good too for critical points.  Whatever, it has to be exciting and amount to more points; and I am not sure if shorter rallies or longer rallies is the idea. 

Daren, we are the converted, so it is really for the unconverted that we are trying to cater for.  Though if the converted will not watch full matches that also speaks for itself too.
The all weather, sun safe, quick workout, weight control, fitness, and it does have the lot.

Let's not get to hung up on this topic, as we do not have the money or the authority to change anything unfortunately. 

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From Daren - 24 Aug 2006 - 11:43

I hear what you're saying and it sounds good, but it has also been said alot before - "We need sponsorship and TV" Its true, but the sponsors probably wont come without them getting their advertising - which means , yes we need a good 'package' to put on TV that a lot of people will want to watch. That has to come first - a marketable product.


So how to make the sport marketable/watchable(this discussions probably been done to death too). I've watched and taped a lot of games from the PSA from foxsports from around 2001-2003, heres my observations. (the scoring change to 11 I think was a good one, too) 


So - IMO, first you need better camera work . You need closer shots that show the strain of muscles, the speed the players are moving, the effort/concentration etc. You need some really good camera editing with a lot of different camera angles set up with QUICK changes of views/angles to match/follow the rally. When the camera is fixed on a wide shot of the whole court from the back of the gallery, it is not exciting, the game looks too easy and boring. You cant appreciate/enjoy the effort of what going on.

 It needs quicker/snappier editing with the interviews of players too, maybe show a little of their different training styles or character, develop a little story, perhaps little rivalries - the presentation has to be more fast-paced and 'hip'. Have you ever watched some of the American sports news like ESPN sports NEWS with the 'witty' fast-paced commentary, quick editing etc.


Also, you need EXCITED/exciting commentators that are INTO the rally and EACH SHOT as they are played.


About the short sharp rallies Rippa Rit, personally I tend to find that the most exciting rallies are usually the long rallies rather than the short ones. More importance is placed on the point when the rally is long as the tension grows. So MAYBE we need to be going the other way - instead of lowering the tin and making the ball less bouncy, we need a bouncier ball to encourage longer rallies, BUT play to even less points, like point-a-rally to 7. So each point is critical. Maybe it would encourage defensive play as you dont want to make a mistake, but also the rewards are there to hit a nick and win a point - depends on your outlook. (just a spur of the moment thought)


Squash's Image -I think squash really needs to push the fitness side of its image if it wants to attract more people. It was voted(from some kind of study, not too sure if its even true or not) that squash was the BEST sport in the world for fitness(or something like that, remember the article?) Rowing was 2nd. Squash REALLY needs to push that to promote itself - "The Fittest Sport in the world" "The best workout in the world" etc. You need a squash player like Palmer or someone to 'challenge' all other sportsman in the world to some fitness tests or something and make a big deal out of how squash can give you the quickest/best workout and is fun. Really push the 'BEST fitness sport in the world' angle. see what Im saying.


Anyway just some ideas, sorry for the long post, congrats if you made it this far. Personally I cant see squash becoming big on TV myself. I just don't think its gonna happen. A LOT of work has to be done to the camera work/editing anyway, because what theyre putting on TV now is far from exciting. But , oh well its fun to talk about it.


oh yeah, just for clarification rippa, it was avcr that posted the PSA site thing , not me. I'm not a big fan of Real Player either. sorry about your computer, hope its all sorted, I know how frustrating that can get.


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From rippa rit - 24 Aug 2006 - 08:30

Daren - I have watched some really good matches, so don't get me wrong.  And the link on PSA which I decided to take a peep yesterday (since we were in the mood for this type of discussion) was looking good too, Palmer v Beachill.  It was shaping up to be a good match I thought.  The bad news is I had tried to do this before but the computer wants to do all sorts of things to my settings.  Of course I have been  reluctant to muck up my computer system since I am not all that computer literate.  But I thought if Daren can do it I can do it.

Anyway, to cut a long story short I decided to, click Ok OK OK and thought I would come back to PSA later and take it a bit further.  But, alas, my internet settings were all gone crazy; then the questions started, eg do I want to set up two profiles, as my computer is being used by another source, etc. and stuff... all my bookmarks were deleted - took me half an hour to get the thing to work at so ..

Back to what would I suggestion is that squash (the powers that be) need to take a really serious look at the sport overall, set up some objectives, eg better return for effort for our top players which means TV and sponsorship, better spectator appeal (well maybe not as good as tennis or rugby); seek to make the game exciting to watch as it is really only the final shot that is exciting, as hitting the tin is not very exciting when a point is won, if you get me.  Short and sharp stuff.  I don't think it would be all that hard to do but it would take some evaluation and promotion. 

As for the rules - the top players would not care about rules, balls, etc so long as there was a reasonable living coming from it... as the skills would be the same stuff.
The amateur players and local club stuff probably does not need to change all that much initially.  It is the pros that are the window to the sport and if they get coverage, the rest will follow from that, and if the sport had money, the potential would be enormous.

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From Daren - 23 Aug 2006 - 13:27

So Rippa Rit, what would you change about the game? You mentioned scoring and the ball - what in particular would you change them to?


I think you hit the nail on the head with - squash is WAY more enjoyable to play than to watch.


Its just not a good spectator sport, unfortunately. Only a fellow squash player can appreciate the skill of whats happening on the court. Even for us it can be boring to watch. Thats just the cold hard truth - squash is kind of boring to watch and will probably never be a big spectator sport and therefore will probably never attract big prizemoney.


But , does it really matter? its still fun to play.



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From rippa rit - 23 Aug 2006 - 08:23

Well, we all have the game at heart and that is the main thing.  I feel very frustrated that the sport is struggling to go forward; in Oz the interest has certainly declined in the last 20 years, at an alarming rate in the last 10 years.   I don't want to go over that stuff but the whole sport needs an overhaul from a - z  if we are going to be able to put our top players on a pedestal.

So all of our discussions about boring play, TV appeal, spectators, marketing, sponsorship, remuneration, promotion, junior development, etc. raised in this forum would be worth addressing big time. 

Thanks for the video info that is very helpful too.

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From missing_record1 - 23 Aug 2006 - 05:11

There was nothing more exciting than watching hardball squash played at the highest level. THAT was attacking squash. Too bad the sport was killed off, although you can still watch pro hardball doubles for a hint of the skill and excitement involved...

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From stevo - 22 Aug 2006 - 21:19

Rippa, you make some good points, but I still think the modern game is much more attacking and attractive to watch. Of course there are still players who use their fitness, but the lowering of the tin and the point a rally system have really helped make the game more attacking. I have watched a lot of the matches on the PSA Live streaming site (as mentioned by avcr) and find them very enjoyable (perhaps I am abnormal )

Still it is true the vast majority of people prefer to play than watch, which is a shame.

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From avcr - 22 Aug 2006 - 18:07   -   Updated: 23 Aug 2006 - 08:06

This doesn't qualify as "free" but it really is very cheap. And very easy to access.

Go to the PSA website

On the right hand side is a link to

A new window will open up and there are buckets of options available including the following

Live Hi-Res £1.50
Live Lo-Res £1.00
Download and own Hi Res £2.50
Download and own Hi-Res £1.50
Replays Hi-Res £1.00
Replays Hi-Res £0.50

So you can literally download complete matches with pretty good commentary and often other high ranked squash players joining in the commentary.

You can book and watch live matches (when they are on of course )if you can stand the time differences.

And hey really the prices are very cheap. You will need real player on your computer but that is a very common media player and a free download any way

Yopu can also buy dvd's from the site. Recent matches are often only available as replays. After a short time though they become available as "download and own " matches.

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From rippa rit - 22 Aug 2006 - 16:42   -   Updated: 22 Aug 2006 - 16:46

Stevep - yep this is an age old topic of course.  Yes, games were boring in the past, for the same reasons as today. 

Continual rallying down the wall, and particularly not good length is not good to watch at any level.  The fitter player always knows if he makes no mistakes and keeps the player on the court he will eventually win.  It is a tactic I guess which is used.  A boring one but I guess you do what it takes.

If our game is to be exciting, for spectators,players must be encouraged to go for shots.  If skill is going to be a focal point, more shots must be attempted.  Players will not go for shots if there is no reward.  Without reward, and  if they fear to lose,  they know they can just keep running and hitting, till the opponent gives up.   The only alternative to alter this emphasis,  as I see it,  is to be reflected in the scoring system.  Mind you, when a player in today's game, hits length from the front, and the opponent can sprint down the court and return it as a drive, I question if we have the right ball to match the conditions/equipment. Please don't say it is skill or fitness.

To this point, our game generally is of most excitement to the person who is playing, running, getting a rush of blood, than it is to the person watching, and going and making a cuppa, "what's the score now? attitude.

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From stevo - 22 Aug 2006 - 15:08

The speed and power of the game seems to have overtaken the skills of the game which makes it very boring to watch.  I guess that is the result of the full time pro players and I see fitness first, before skill, in these games.

I disagree. I have seen some old games from the early 80's and they are not much to watch at all. You could watch a serve, go away and make a cup of tea, and they would still be hitting up and down the wall, straight drive after straight drive.

The modern game is far more attacking, aided of course by lighter rackets and fitter players, and therefore more entertaining. I also think changing the scoring system to 11 has helped, matches are a lot closer and it has made the professional game less predictable, with all the worlds top 10 in with a chance to win tournaments.

As for the match in question, I thought it was good to watch. Power obviously not as quick or fit as 6 months ago, but still gave a full time pro a run for his money.

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From rippa rit - 22 Aug 2006 - 13:56

Daren - I have a lot of difficulty with the new breed of game I guess.  The speed and power of the game seems to have overtaken the skills of the game which makes it very boring to watch.  I guess that is the result of the full time pro players and I see fitness first, before skill, in these games.  Yes, don't get me wrong they are doing well considering the speed at which it is all happening - after a while it was like watching the "globe of death". I counted some of the rallies and they probably averaged  about 5/6 exchanges of the ball per rally.  Yes, the faster things happen  the limited amount of time to do various shots, and that I guess is the same with any sport whether it be motor-racing, or tennis, or footy.  Being reluctant to do shots because of the fear of the opponent getting it back has some part in this equation too.

My comments on that match Power/Razik -
  • 1st Game - I thought Power was trying to fool about trying to distract his opponent, as well as using that to delay the next rally a bit, as Razik looked obviously fitter, and more agile in that match. 
  • 2nd Game - Power seemed to stop fooling about and meant business and won that game.
  • 3rd Game - It was as though Power was saving himself for the 4th set - and Razik remained strong in his concentration and movement.
  • 4th Game - Razik seemed to have the answers and got Power's good shots back, and I think Power realised he was not going to win.
Overall comments looking at the components of the game individually:
  • They predominantely played the backhand wall; they struck their backhand with a more fluent stroke, making me feel they preferred to play backhand than forehand.
  • Their forehand had a definite slap at the ball, with little fluency in the stroking, a flatter shot.
  • Their footwork, well, I tried to take a look at it every time the video stopped in the 4th game, and they seemed to be always standing  in awkward  positions,  feet together, legs crossed or similar. Definitely agile, maybe there was not time to be balanced but on the run all the time.
  • Length, was about 50/50 maybe.
  • Few, if any, unforced errors.
  • Power played a few good backhand drops which Razik retrieved, though Power did then volley it to length down the wall - it certainly was not a winner though.
  • Serving - seemed to be hit and walk, just a means of getting the rally going, as though it did not matter that much if it was close to the wall, high, or whatever. Medium pace, medium height.
When I see a game like that, I think something about the game needs changing, ie the scoring system, the ball.  There is nothing wrong with the game and the skills.

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From Daren - 22 Aug 2006 - 12:49

Hi Rippa Rit, my thoughts on the Power/Razik game - I watched it a while ago, but  remember at the time being surprised how well Razik was playing/plays. Pretty good short on the backhand. I think they were training partners and have played each other a lot so they knew each others games a bit.


It seemed pretty laidback. Power was very casual with his usual banter trying to entertain the crowd, he even played a shot left handed. Once he got behind in the match, he didnt seem to want to try too hard. He still played OK but didnt have the will to win, was more like a training run. At the end of a long career, he'd already been there and done it all. I geuss Razik saw a good opportunity to pounce, take the win and exact some revenge on his buddy. After all, he's probably lost to him a few times over the years.


What did you think?

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From rippa rit - 21 Aug 2006 - 14:48

Daren - What were your comments about the Power/Razik game? 
I am always interested to know what others think or saw when they look at these videos?

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From Daren - 21 Aug 2006 - 10:38

Rippa Rit - no problem. Agreed, the video is nice and clear. I wish there was more of this quality floating around on the net.


Viper - what stevep said. Press pause and wait for the grey bar to move along a bit (download(buffer) before pressing play again. You can only play up to where the grey bar has downloaded to. Hope that makes sense.


Stevep - yeah, looks like Power was trying but didnt want to try TOO hard. Razik is a good player though. 


Anyone else got any vids? Id love to get a copy of Power's Coaching Video, just to see whats on it.

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From stevo - 21 Aug 2006 - 10:21

Try downloading the Google Video player then downloading the games.

Alternatively, when the clip starts press the Pause button and the stream will buffer (the gray bar will fill up). Once you have a fair bit in the buffer it should play OK.

It sounds like your internet connection isn't fast enough.

Power looks like he has lost a bit of fitness since his retirement.

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From Viper - 21 Aug 2006 - 09:02

I cannot get those videos of Darrens to work, they start then stop a second later, start then stop a second later.....

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From rippa rit - 21 Aug 2006 - 07:08

Daren - thanks for posting up those links.  That is one of the few times I have gone to watch a match and you could actually click on it and get a result with no fuss or bother.  The video coverage was quite clear too.

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From Daren - 20 Aug 2006 - 15:47

Have you seen the 2006 Canadion Open Final on google vid? Its Power -vs- Shahier Razik.


I've been looking for some vids too, but there doesnt seem to be much around, for free anyway. The streaming ones on Guidetosquash dont work.


Here's the Power Razik vids anyway. Enjoy


Game 1 2006 canadian

Game 2 2006 canadian

Game 3 2006 canadian

Game 4 2006 canadian

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From rippa rit - 17 Aug 2005 - 15:25

Hi SherifEid - those top players go so fast, and are so skillful I would have thought it difficult to identify technical details through the DVD's. Beware, the top players take a lot of short-cuts so that could be deceptive. To date what kind of development hints have you got from these matches?
I am curious of course! Good luck with your game.

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From SherifEid - 11 Aug 2005 - 20:40

Umm,. I Don't Think So,. but i'll try Anyway,...
THank you for Your Help :))

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From raystrach - 10 Aug 2005 - 23:49

dear sherif

try the egyptian squash association. they may have a library of videos which they may hire. i know some associations do this. it's worth a try!

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From SherifEid - 09 Aug 2005 - 06:37

THank You "Raystrach" but i've watched these movies Many times and i need to watch for full movies and i can't find a place to watch so i can develop my skills and PLaying Level Experience,.. :)

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From raystrach - 08 Aug 2005 - 21:39

dear SherifEd

try these from the "Squash PLayer" website:

White V Beachill
Jackman v Charman

Other "Squash Player" videos

A lot that were available, are now no longer accessible

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