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Squash after Total Knee Replacement (TKR)

Published: 20 Sep 2020 - 03:39 by dpiedra

Updated: 25 Nov 2020 - 20:01

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Hi all,

I'm in my early 50s with OA in both knees after several procedures on both knees in my younger years. I'd love to know if any of you have undergone TKR and returned to squash? I've heard of guys returning to play length (first bounce past service line) and one-bounce (regular game with no drop shots). I've played both recently and find them to be great workhouse with longer rallies. Share your experience. The old school recommendation by OS's was to laylow with sportd but new school of thought encourages active sports to keep muscles around the knee strong. 



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From rippa rit - 25 Nov 2020 - 20:01

Personally I would not attempt serious squash after any operation to knees, back or hips because of the twisting, turning and bending.  There is no problem if you want to modify the game for some exercise or fun just make up the rules to suit your situation.  I know of people who hit solo just to keep their eye in and get a sweat up.

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thanks for advice there rita. i will try it out and see how i get on

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