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Returning Hard Hit Shots

Published: 12 Jul 2005 - 23:47 by mikemackenzie

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 10:18

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I played against someone last night that had an uncanny hard hitting shot that always managed to find my feet. It is the only thing I couldn't figure out how to return, and it was driving me nuts. I need advice on how to return the hard shot effectively, such as where I should place the ball, and my feet movement. Thanks.

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From rippa rit - 22 Oct 2005 - 08:44

Mike - aside from what Ray has said, something is still missing in this story - was this when your opponent was serving, the ball landed at your feet?
If not, sounds like your are running into the ball - or the ball is chasing you? It is supposed to be the other way 'round!
Keep a service box distance from the side walls, use the line as a guide, and see what happens - trust me, you will still be able to reach the ball. If the ball still lands at your feet, the shots have to be "lousy" and in the middle of the court, and they are the shots to punish.
Let's know what the problem was.

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From AussieSquashPro - 20 Oct 2005 - 19:44

Were u wearing magnetised footwear?

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From raystrach - 13 Jul 2005 - 07:39

hi mike m

there are a couple of things you can do:
  • you need to watch the opponent carefully when they are hitting the ball so that you an react as early as possible
  • get your racket prepared so that you are ready to return any shot and don't stand flat footed - this will help
  • if the ball is being hit straight at you, you need to move to one side of the ball if possible. try to move to the side so that you are between the opponent and the ball
  • if you can get the ball deep into the corners you will prevent the opponent from hitting this shot so easily

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hey guys thanks so much for these replies, they really are helping me.............

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