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Mid shoe recommendations

Published: 25 Oct 2017 - 18:40 by Djekenf

Updated: 16 Dec 2019 - 15:37

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Hi, I'm in need of some new mid shoes, because I've just worn out my 2nd pair of Salming R9s, which have really poor durability. The toe drag area and spot under my big toes just disintegrate in no time. Don't get me wrong though, they're otherwise amazing shoes and it's annoying because the rest of the shoes are in perfect condition.

I want to try something new though, to see if they last, but looking around there doesn't seem much choice. Mizuno has the tornado x and lightning z3, but have seen sites saying they're not suitable for squash. The new Salming Kobra mids are way too expensive for now too.

Budget up to 150, but preferably nearer 100. Any other ideas would be appreciated.squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From jameswong12 - 24 Oct 2018 - 23:38

If your budget is nearer to 100 or below than that, I got some suggestion for you. Why not opt for the multi-sport shoes, I mean purposely for related sports like badminton, racquetball, etc. The Asics Men’s GEL-Rocket 8 sounds great with the price range below than 100. This blog post might get you some idea. So does the Head Men’s Grid 2.0, multi-purpose for the indoor court sports.

But if you want to push your budget up to 150, I guess the best might be the Wilson Kaos. But the main concern is, the squash shoes need to have a non-marking rubber sole. This review article might help you understand better.

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