Receiving the service
Published: 20 Aug 2015 - 20:24 by AlanG
Updated: 21 Aug 2015 - 22:50
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I believe the receiver of the service should wait until the ball is over or bouncing in their service box, but should not be moving forward and hitting the ball before it crosses the line of their service box !!
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From raystrach - 21 Aug 2015 - 22:50
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hi alang
an interesting opinion, but unfortunately to my knowledge, there is nothing in the rules which prevent a player hitting a ball on the full outside the return of serve area.
obviously, if it bounces outside of that area, is becomes a fault.
of course in the good old days of 2 faults, you had the choice to return the ball, even if it was a fault. i have done that quite a number of times, as a regular opponent of mine in those days, used to serve a double fault on purpose in an effort to get his breath back.
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