Squash builds "tough" bodies and minds
Published: 04 Feb 2015 - 12:41 by rippa rit
Updated: 04 Feb 2015 - 12:41
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Sorry about the late publishing of this.
Well, as I turn on the TV and watch superb tennis matches, it reminds me of how tough a top competitor has to be to keep bouncing back, keep thinking, keep moving, keep focussed, and just be able to block out all the negativity; build on strengths, keep the game plan, exploit the opponents weaknesses and all of that makes for a top performance.
Sometimes we get impatient. It can take 20 years to gradually climb upwards putting skills and strategies in place before anything significant is noticed by the ordinary citizen/player, and then they go "wow this player is good", as if it happened over night.
Never give up, have a plan, and keep hammering away at it. Squash is such a tremendous game for fitness, and weight control, friendship, challenges, there will be gains everywhere when you reflect on your years of "banging away".
Good luck for this year.
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