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Free Online Squash League Management

Published: 22 Mar 2014 - 16:52 by bg@squashleagues

Updated: 25 Sep 2014 - 05:20

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I need the help of your members! I have created a website that allows all you Squash Club Administrators to manage your squash clubs leagues online - for free. However, I am very aware that not all clubs run the same way and different clubs use different 'rules' to run their leagues. Therefore I would very much appreciate it if anyone reading this post could check out the site:

..........and generally critique the website from a user's/administrator's perspective. Just to be clear, this is not a money-making website - I just want to 'give back' to the squash community since squash has given me such a lot of pleasure and enjoyment over the past 40+ years! This 'project' of mine has enable me to link my great interest and passion for squash with my interest in Website Design. Thanks for taking the time to read this - and I hope some of you will give the website a 'trial run'.



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From Lazlo440 - 23 Sep 2014 - 17:00   -   Updated: 25 Sep 2014 - 05:20

Hi Barry

We are now using your system "live" for the first round. 

We do have some issues:

Our rounds have a fixed date, time and court for every match. In the system you can not give each match a dedicated time. We solved it by creating a matrix for all games. For example: Division 1: Day 1, 18:00 Player 1 vs. Player 4 & Player 2 vs. Player 3.

This would work but... after a result is entered the order of the players in the division changes! This has created some confusion.

Is there a way to fix the players positions in each division for every round?

Or give each match a dedicated court, date, time?

/Lars, HSRC


Edit, 2014 24/9

Thanks for the fast responce!

 Now it is possible to choose the order in which players are displayed in each division - either by name (which will not change as the league cycle scores are updated) or by total score (as it was before).

Big thanks to Barry for this system

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From bg@squashleagues - 03 May 2014 - 15:25


The site now allows Club Administrators to selectively grant the same privileges to other Club members. I've also implemented a few other enhancements. I will continue to develop the site and would be especially grateful to receive further comments and suggestions about 



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From bg@squashleagues - 02 May 2014 - 00:04   -   Updated: 02 May 2014 - 00:05

Hi Lazlo440

Glad you like what you have seen so far. At the moment, the Club Admin is automatically the person who creates the club. I will be adding the functionality for this user to grant the Club Admin rights to other members of the club very soon - hopefully by this weekend. When this is ready, I'll add another post here. 

Looking forward to your feedback.

Best regards, Barry

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From Lazlo440 - 28 Apr 2014 - 23:49

Dear Barry

We are currently testing your website. It looks really promising. You have done some great work. Hoping to get back to you later on with real input.

First question is how to give a member admin rights?

Best regards

/Lazlo440 (admin HSRC)


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