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How to replace original grip

Published: 10 Oct 2013 - 18:56 by cortinas22

Updated: 22 Oct 2013 - 17:29

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Hey guys, yesterday I bought new Dunlop racquet and to my surprise the grip size fits me just perfect (usually I add 1 overgrip). My concern is that after a while the original grip will wear off and I won't be able to replace it. Do you have any ideas if the original grip on Dunlop racquets is removable (without tearing half of the handle)? Many thanks

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From sloejp - 22 Oct 2013 - 17:29

 hello. yes, you can remove the original grip from the racket. you will have to pull hard, though!

i have removed the grip from a dunlop racket i used to own and put a karakal pu grip on in its place.

i'm curious to know; which racket did you get?


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