Durable Squash Shoe?
Published: 18 Jun 2013 - 02:03 by Goforjeffrey
Updated: 19 Jun 2013 - 19:49
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Trying to find yet another pair of squash shoes. Hoping this set will last a bit longer than the last 4 or 5. Does anyone else on the forum drag their back foot? I seem to go through left shoes at a ridiculous speed. Does anyone on here know a decent pair which have more protection on the top/inside/front of the shoe? Has anyone ever tried putting anything on the top of the shoe to make it last longer with any success?

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From raystrach - 19 Jun 2013 - 19:49
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a couple of the asics models used to have a big nobbly bit on the inside front. look at this model
i have used them before and they were very good.
they went out of stock for a while but appear to be back in.
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