New Racket
Published: 13 Jun 2013 - 11:44 by ross1200
Updated: 14 Jun 2013 - 20:59
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So im looking to replace my faithful racket (slazenger xcel) which cost me just £15 four years ago but has now started to crack which is my only reason for changing. I play more or less every day at the moment so am looking for something decent.
Been looking at a few prince, black knight, and technifibre rackets. I know its a very personal thing which racket you prefer, but any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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From ross1200 - 14 Jun 2013 - 20:59
From sloejp - 14 Jun 2013 - 18:01
it sounds like you might want to try a closed throat racket.
you might want to try the head xenon2, which is head-heavy and gives a nice stable hit with little vibe.
if you're willing to try a head-light closed throat model, the black kight ion x-force is nice. you need to have a powerful swing, but the frame also gives off little vibe.
karakal's tec lite or tec tour may also be worth looking at, but i've never used their rackets.
From ross1200 - 14 Jun 2013 - 05:32
Thanks for the reply.
im looking for a fair bit of power. im a big bloke so hitting hard isnt a problem for me. still want a fair bit of control as im trying to improve my close wall play. im thinking head heavy over head light, and im currently using an open throat teardrop shaped racket, but am open to a closed throat. and finally i like having a fair bit of vib damp.
quite specific i know.
From sloejp - 13 Jun 2013 - 16:06
can you be more specific about what you want from your racket? are you looking for power? control? head heavy? head light? also, is there anything that you don't like about your current racket or anything that you're looking to avoid?
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Great. Thanks for the advice. will check them out.
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