Rules on, 'Carrying' the ball
Published: 31 May 2013 - 17:12 by Markymark36
Updated: 02 Jun 2013 - 20:48
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Can anyone define for me what , 'Carrying' the ball entails. There has been occassion where I have had to run to the ball just as it's about to 2nd bounce and then flipped it over the tin. Is this Carrying, or is it when the ball is held on the strings for the length of the swing?

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From rippa rit - 02 Jun 2013 - 20:44 - Updated: 02 Jun 2013 - 20:48
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You must hit the ball. The ball cannot stay on the racket and be projected to the front wall. This is sometimes referred to a "double hit" or "carry".
Read the rule definitions for more clarity.
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